"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."

-Albert Einstein

Monday, September 14, 2015

Naming Acids

If you were curious as to how you name compounds with acids, you can use this flowchart to help.

Does the anion contain oxygen?
I                                   I          
                                                               No                               yes
                                              Hydro-                                      check the ending of the anion name
                                              + anion root                                            I                      I
                                               + ic_______
                                            hyrdo(anion root)ic acid         anion or element root        anion/element root
                                                                                                 + -ous____________           + -ic____________
                                                                                                 (root)ous acid                       (root)ic acid


  1. Wow this chart actually helped me to learn the difference between the different types of nomenclature. Thanks for posting!

  2. Wow this chart actually helped me to learn the difference between the different types of nomenclature. Thanks for posting!

  3. This is a great post but I typically just look at the endings. If it's ate, like you ate something, than it's changed to ic, like saying ick. It's a bit childish but it helps me remember the names of acids.
