"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Do you dig sig figs?

Significant figures have a common appearance in chemistry, and they seem difficult at a glance, but aren't too complex when you go beneath their surface. Rules to remember at that the zeros before a decimal are not significant unless sanwhiched between 2 whole numbers. Also, the zeros to the right of the decimal follow the same rule being that the are significant if between 2 while numbers. Lastly, zeros at the end of the digits to the right of the decimal are significant as well. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

States of Matter

To help us the states of matter and properties of each state, we did an activity. In the activity, we went to different stations, and we had to decide either the state something was in, or wether it was a compound, element, or solution. This helped me learn the difference between all of those because I got hands on experience which is beneficial to myself as well as several other classmates that participated in the activity.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thoughts on Aspirin Lab

This week in class we did a lab synthesizing apirin. However, I did not pass the pass the pre-lab quiz because I did not read the lab thoroughly enough. I did have a study hall all week in class along with some others, and I was able to update my blog! Next time, I will definitely know the lab front and back before we take the pre-lab quiz, so I don't have to sit out on any more labs!

Happy Mole Day!

Today is mole day and to celebrate, we were assigned the task to see a mole ourselves. I decided to make a cheetah girl mole, named Raven Si"mole", because I had some cheetah print fabric already, so it would be easiest. I had to hand sew it because I don't know how to work a sewing machine, and I also had to stuff it with tissues since I didn't have stuffing. Below is my mole as well as several other people's miles from today's celebration.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Founding Father of the Atom: Part 3

Ernest Rutherford is the subject of my final chapter in this series. He first discovered a concentrated area in the center of the atom which is know today to be the nucleus. Secondly, he defined the atom to be mostly empty space which is called the electron cloud because there is not a known barrier at the end of an atom to confine it to a certain space.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Founding Fathers of the Atom: Part 2

John Dalton may have been the first to give us an idea of what an atom is, but JJ Thomson discovered a highly important part of the atoms. Thomson found that there were tiny electrons in the atom, and in his theory, he states that they are scattered throughout the atom. This model is referred to as the chocolate chip model where the electrons are the chocolate chips, and the rest of the cookie is the remaining mass of the atom.